
Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Be safe,be grateful and have fun!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Hello Everybody!

Just want to say apologies for not updating much lately! The reason is my Hubby and I just brought home an adorable persian! I haven't been into doing anything sims for the past week!

Her name is Puddin! We love her to bits and she is really sweet!

A distant relative?

Ha no just joking there she is cute and funny and my hubby and I just love her...she's still getting used to her new home but she is doing good! She just loves kneading the air when I pet her,so cute! I've thought about video taping her with my camera and sharing them with ya'll sometime...but I don't know yet haven't made up my mind lol!

Take care Everybody!

Friday, December 2, 2011

What I've been up to!

Hello everybody!

I said in a earlier post that I've been doing something ...a little hobby...I've been making what's called squishy's....they look like cakes...desserts etc.

I saw some tutorials of them on Youtube and just fell in love with yeah I pretty much know that younger girls do this kind of thing..but there are older ones doing it too and I don't think it says in the bible or the U.S constitution that a 31 year old (moi) can't do it! ; )

Anyways I have a pic of 2 I've already done...they aren't perfect I know that...but what's that old saying? "Practice makes perfect" the more I practice the better I get!

Well that's pretty much it for now...have a good weekend everybody and take care!